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What is BX Wall Mounted Jib Crane

El wall mounted jib crane can be a tie-rod jib crane, which has a tie-rod mounted to the structure of your building, without taking any of your square feet of your plant. The wall mounted jib crane is the most economical crane for material handling. The lifting capacity of the wall mounted jib crane is 0.25 to 1 ton and the working class is A3.

Tipo De Producto BX
Capacidad De Elevación 0.25~1t
La Longitud Del Tramo 3~6m
La Clase Obrera A3
Temperatura Ambiente -25~40℃

Components of Wall Mounted Jib Crane

The wall mounted jib crane is mainly made of supporting column, jib device, and eléctrico de la grúa, etc.

wall mounted jib crane

Sketch of wall mounted jib crane

Application of Wall Mounted Jib Crane

Wall mounted jib crane is usually applicable to short distance, frequent and intensive material handling operations, in the places, such as, workshops, warehouses, docks, storage, ports, and assembly line, etc.

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