AccueilCas De La Galerie → BZ type 1-ton jib crane sold to Spain in 2022

BZ type 1 tonne grue de potence vendu à l'Espagne en 2022

BZ type jib crane procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2022.11.24
  • Capacité de levage: 1 tonne
  • Hauteur de levage: 4 mètres
  • Arm length: 4 meters
  • Tension de fonctionnement: 220v/50hz/3p
  • Order content: BZ type 1 tonne grue de potence
  • Pays d'exportation: Espagne

This is an order for jib cranes sold to Spain in 2022. The customer purchased one 1-ton rotary boom crane from our grue d'usine, with a lifting height of 4 meters and a boom length of 4 meters. The order was placed at the factory on November 25th, and the production of the palan électrique was completed on December 28th. The painting of the rotary arm began on December 29th, and the production of the order was completed on January 4th, 2023. We will ship the product to Spain on January 10th. The atlas shows some details of the production and packaging of the jib crane in the factory. If you would like to learn more about the jib crane and the latest price of 1 ton jib crane, please contactez-nous.

Brief introduction of BZ jib crane

BZ fixed column jib crane is a small and medium-sized équipement de levage developed in recent years. Its structure is unique, safe and reliable, and has the characteristics of high efficiency, energy saving, time saving, labor saving and flexibility. And it can be operated freely in three-dimensional space, especially in short-distance and intensive lifting occasions, it can show its unique advantages over other conventional lifting equipment. Widely used in workshops, warehouses, docks and other fixed places.

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