HomeGaleri Kasus → LD type 5 tons electric single girder overhead crane sold to Vietnam

LD type 5 tons electric single girder overhead crane sold to Vietnam

This is the order for derek di atas kepala sold to Vietnam in 2020. The customer customized this set of LD type 5 tons derek overhead girder tunggal dari kami pabrik derek with a lifting height of 2.8 meters and a span of 10 meters.  It took a total of one month for the order from the factory to complete the production. The atlas shows the details of the order's packaging at the factory and the process of loading the car. If you want to know more details, or want to know the latest price of single girder overhead crane, you can hubungi kami.

LD electric single-girder crane is a kind of hoisting machinery used for lifting and transporting objects in workshops or warehouses that are not busy.

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