10 ton hooks and related crane accessories sold to Saudi Arabia in 2021

ГлавнаяГалерея Кейсов → 10 ton hooks and related crane accessories sold to Saudi Arabia in 2021

10 ton hooks and related crane accessories sold to Saudi Arabia in 2021

Crane accessories procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2021.3.26
  • Грузоподъемность: 10 тонн
  • Order content: 10 tons of крюк + travel switch + sports car wheel + gear + chain
  • Страна-экспортер: Саудовская Аравия

This is the crane parts order from Saudi Arabia in 2021. The customer purchased a 10-ton crane hook and a batch of related принадлежности для кранов из нашего крановый завод. In addition to selling the whole crane, our company can also provide customers with the sale of some crane accessories. The specific sales scope needs to be confirmed after communicating with us.

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