AccueilCasPotence cas → 2 Ton Jib Crane Applied in Pakistan Stone Factory

2 Ton Jib Crane Applied in Pakistan Stone Factory

Grues de potence are widely used in many factories in Pakistan. As an industry that needs to process materials on fixed workbenches, the stone processing industry has a stronger need for jib cranes. Today we share an order for a jib crane from a stone processing factory in Pakistan. The customer finally customized 3 sets of 2 tonnes grue de potence

Pakistan customized jib crane main parameters

  • Lifting weight: 2 tons
  • Hauteur de levage: 4 mètres
  • Arm length: 4 meters
  • Voltage: 380/3/50

2 ton jib crane-in-stone-processing-industry


Why recommend jib crane to Pakistani customers

Jib crane of Dongqi Group way above ground installation is adopted, bolted on the existing ground directly, do not need to add special foundation), which can realize the 360 ° rotating lifting operation, liberated the location of artificial and forklift cost effectively, effectively reduce the production cost.

The shaft of the jib crane is specially equipped with a stop pin, which can effectively prevent the boom from unexpectedly rising. At the same time, the rotating shaft bearing makes the rotation extremely easy, which effectively improves the on-site handling and counterpoint efficiency, reduces the injury accidents, and reduces the human cost.

The Other jib crane cases in Pakistan

How to buy jib crane from China

Nous sommes un fabricant de la grue situé en Chine, fournissant grue de personnalisation de services aux clients de grues. Si vous souhaitez personnaliser une grue de potence, vous pouvez laisser un message sur le site ou E-mail:, dites-nous les informations suivantes, et notre directeur des ventes communiquera avec vous:

  • Capacité de levage?
  • Hauteur de levage? (Distance à partir de crochet à la masse)
  • Longueur de bras? (La longueur du bras et de l'efficacité de déplacement de la longueur)
  • Bloc d'alimentation? (Standard alimentation électrique est de 220V/380V, 3 phases, 50/60Hz)
  • Application? (Quels sont les matériaux à être levée)

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