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How to buy a 25 ton Single beam hoist gantry crane in Pakistan

Dongqi est un fabricant de la grue located in China, but it has sold cranes in Pakistan for more than ten years and served hundreds of different enterprises. This means that we can already provide corresponding crane services for the vast majority of Pakistani customers. If you haven't purchased cranes or grue accessoires through us, you can read this article first:How to buy explosion-proof wire rope hoist from China in Pakistan

Recently, we received a crane order from Sindh province, Pakistan. The customer needs two double beam des grues à portique with a lifting capacity of 25 tons and a lifting height of 7m. After analyzing the customer's needs, we think that if the European hoist is used, it can easily meet the customer's requirements, but the price will be very expensive. If the hanging low clearance hoist is used, the customer feels that the appearance is not good-looking, Finally, our engineers designed a une seule poutre du portique with 25 ton low headroom hoist, which was recognized by customers.

Parameters of 25t Single beam hoist gantry crane

  • Single beam hoist gantry crane
  • Lifting capacity: 25t
  • Span: 16M
  • Indoor use
  • Total height of gantry crane: 9m
  • The maximum lifting height that can be reached with MD hoist is 5.72m
  • Working level: A4

Grue de portique pour la vente au Pakistan

25t Single beam gantry crane sale to Pakistan

Problems in drawing design of gantry crane

In this order, in addition to the environmental information related to the gantry crane, our technicians also pay attention to the lifting position of the goods. When the crochet moves left and right, there is a limit distance. If the limit distance needs to be shortened, we need to modify the design scheme again. Finally, the customer selects the hoist to pass the outrigger, the left and right limit distance of the hook is shortened to 0.85m, the width above the outrigger is increased, and the total amount of the gantry crane is increased by 1875 US dollars.

Other different types of gantry crane cases in Pakistan

Comment personnaliser les grues à portique de la Chine

Nous sommes un fabricant de la grue situé en Chine, fournissant grue de personnalisation de services aux clients de grues. Si vous souhaitez personnaliser une grue de portique, vous pouvez laisser un message sur le site ou E-mail:, dites-nous les informations suivantes, et notre directeur des ventes communiquera avec vous:

  • Capacité de levage (t): __ ?( La capacité nominale)
  • Lifting height (m):__ ? (Height from hook center to the floor)
  • Span (m): __ ? (La Distance entre le rail du centre)
  • Vitesse de levage (m/min): __ ? ( Simple, Double, Variable)
  • Voyager distance (m): __ ? (La longueur du rail)
  • Travail duty: __ ? (Combien d'heures par jour? Combien de fois par heure?)
  • Quel matériel pour être soulevé: __ ?
  • Industriel de tension: __ ? ( comme :380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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