Pakistan machinery manufacturing plant purchases 20 ton overhead crane from China

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Pakistan machinery manufacturing plant purchases 20 ton overhead crane from China

What should be paid attention to when purchasing Pont roulant de 20 tonnes from China in Pakistan? We recently completed a Pakistani order from a machinery manufacturer. Some small problems occurred during the communication with customers. Today we will share with you some problems encountered in this case.

Case of 20 ton overhead crane in Pakistan

The Pakistani customer wants to use the 20 ton overhead crane for waste grabbing. On this basis, we recommend QN crane to customers. QN model is fully called grab crochet dual-purpose bridge crane. The installation position of cable drum is reserved on the trolley for supplying power to grab (generally electro-hydraulic grab) or electromagnet. At the same time, the electric cabinet is also reserved with cable drum wiring port.

In the process of communication, the customer sent us a quotation from another company with a lower price, hoping that we could reduce the price. From this quotation, it is obvious that the quotation is very rough, and even the quantity of spare parts is ambiguous. In order to better communicate with customers, we had to urgently launch three videoconferences with customers. After the communication, we reduced the quotation of $5000 to customers. Customers sent us a series of additional technical problems and finally accepted our quotation.

After the customer received the overhead crane and the order was about to be completed, the customer suddenly said that there were missing parts. After communication, it was found that the replacement parts required by the customer were two bearing seats overloaded. However, during the video conference, the customer had asked to install an electronic scale, and with the electronic scale, the parts were already unnecessary equipment. After repeated communication, the customer finally agreed to the suggestion of shipping one piece in the next order.

Overhead crane ready for delivery to Pakistan

20 ton Overhead crane ready for delivery to Pakistan

How to buy an overhead crane from China with confidence

We have completed many orders in Pakistan. When we meet some new customers, we often encounter trust problems. The crane is a piece of heavy machinery and equipment. It is normal to be cautious in the process of multinational purchases. If you treat us If you have any doubts, please be sure to contactez-nous to answer all your questions. In addition, we can also provide local cases in Pakistan for reference

The Others 20 ton Overhead Crane case in Pakistan

How to customize Overhead Crane in Pakistan

Nous sommes un fabricant de la grue located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a Overhead Crane, you can leave a message on the website or email, tell us the following information, and our sales manager will contact you:

  • Capacité de levage (t): __ ?( La capacité nominale)
  • Hauteur de levage (m):__ ? (Hauteur à partir du crochet centre à l'étage)
  • Span (m): __ ? (La Distance entre le rail du centre)
  • Vitesse de levage (m/min): __ ? ( Simple, Double, Variable)
  • Voyager distance (m): __ ? (La longueur du rail)
  • Travail duty: __ ? (Combien d'heures par jour? Combien de fois par heure?)
  • Quel matériel pour être soulevé: __ ?
  • Industriel de tension: __ ? ( comme :380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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