The packing process of 5 tons CD type electric wire rope hoist sold to Pakistan

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The packing process of 5 tons CD type electric wire rope hoist sold to Pakistan

This electric wire rope hoist is an order from a Pakistani customer in 2019. After full communication with the customer, our sales manager recommended the CD type electric wire rope hoist for the customer. This 5-ton palan électrique can be used on the overhead track on the same plane, or on the electric single-beam, bridge, cantilever, suspension, gantry and other cranes with I-beam as the track. The picture shows the process of packing and shipping the electric hoist in the grue d'usine. Finally, we sent to Karachi port in Pakistan via Qingdao port. The price of a 5 ton electric hoist is influenced by factors such as different brands, models, and specifications, typically around $1000.

More 5 ton electric hoist case in Pakistan

How to customize wire rope hoist

Nous sommes un fabricant de la grue located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a wire rope hoist, you can leave a message on the website or E-mail:, dites-nous les informations suivantes, et notre directeur des ventes communiquera avec vous:

  • La capacité de Levage, hauteur de levage;
  • La tension ou la puissance d'alimentation (monophasé ou 3-phase de levage);
  • La suspension (crochetorientée chariot, chariot motorisé);
  • Les types de contrôle;
  • Le cycle de service, palan à vitesse, chariot de vitesse, et de la taille du faisceau;
  • L'application, à ce que les matériaux soient levées.

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