HomeBangsaPakistan → 5 tons BZ chain hoist sold from China to Pakistan

5 tons BZ chain hoist sold from China to Pakistan

Recently, a message from the website attracted our attention. A guest from Pakistan asked whether we had a local branch, and then said that we needed a reduktor for a 5 ton jib crane. Because the message was too short, our engineers could not determine the specific needs of the guests, so we finally confirmed through the email that the guests needed a chain hoist and rotating motor for BZ jib crane.

Needs of Pakistani customers

The Pakistani customer is a powerful local mechanical equipment transmission device manufacturer, with a professional technical team and the ability to design and produce cranes by itself. For the chain hoist to be ordered this time, two requirements are specially put forward:

  • a. Speed requirements, frequency conversion
  • b. The rotating motor also wants to add frequency converter. The customer wants to rotate very slowly. At the same time, he said that they can add frequency converter themselves, but the output power requirement is large enough.

Needs of Pakistani customers

Needs of Pakistani customers

Application scenario of chain hoist and accessories

Features of the chain kerekan listrik: advanced performance and structure, small volume, light weight, reliable performance, convenient operation and wide application range. It is very convenient for lifting heavy objects, loading and unloading, maintenance equipment and lifting goods. It can also be installed on suspended I-beam, curved track, swing arm crane guide rail and fixed lifting point to lift heavy objects.

The chain electric hoist has a wide range of applications. It is mainly used in major factories, warehouses, wind power generation, logistics, docks, construction and other industries. It is used for lifting or loading and unloading goods. It can also lift heavy objects to facilitate work or repair large machines. The kerekan rantai listrik is operated by the operator on the ground with a button, or in the control room or by wired (wireless) kontrol jarak jauh. The electric chain hoist can be used not only for fixed suspension, but also for traveling with electric monorail trolley and manual push / pull monorail trolley.

Photos of Pakistan 5 tons BZ chain hoist

Chain hoist accessories Photos of chain hoist products

Photo of reducer

More 5 ton electric hoist case in Pakistan

Cara menyesuaikan kerekan rantai listrik

Kami adalah produsen derek terletak di Cina, menyediakan layanan penyesuaian derek untuk pelanggan derek global. Jika Anda ingin menyesuaikan kerekan rantai listrik, Anda dapat meninggalkan pesan di situs web atau Email: sales010@cranesdq.com, beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:

  • Kapasitas angkat, tinggi angkat;
  • Tegangan atau catu daya (kerekan fase tunggal atau 3 fase);
  • Penangguhan (hook, troli roda gigi, troli bermotor);
  • Jenis kontrol;
  • Siklus kerja, kecepatan kerekan, kecepatan troli, dan ukuran balok;
  • Aplikasinya, bahan apa yang akan diangkat.

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