HomeGaleri Kasus → CD type 6-ton electric wire rope hoist and C-shaped steel accessories sold to UAE in 2021

Kerekan tali kawat listrik tipe CD 6 ton dan aksesori baja berbentuk C dijual ke UEA pada tahun 2021

CD electric wire rope hoist procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2021.1.28
  • Lifting capacity: 6 tons
  • Lifting height: 11 meters
  • Tegangan kerja: 415v / 50hz / 3p
  • Order content: CD-type electric wire rope hoist*2+C-shaped steel*2

Ini adalah kerekan listrik pesan dari UAE in 2021. The customer customized 2 sets of CD type 6 tons electric wire rope hoist and c-shaped steel from our pabrik derek. The atlas shows some details of the order at the factory. If you want to know the latest price of electric hoist, please hubungi kami.

Product features of CD type electric hoist: light weight, small size, compact structure, many varieties and specifications, stable operation, simple operation and convenient use. They can be used on straight, curved and circular overhead tracks on the same plane, and can also be used on electric single-girder, manual single-girder, bridge, suspension, cantilever, gantry and other cranes with I-beam as the track. CD1 type electric hoist is widely used in factories, warehouses, docks, power stations, lumberyards, etc. It is the most ideal alat pengangkat for lifting and transporting items.

More electric wire rope hoist cases in United Arab Emirates

How to customize electric wire rope hoist in UAE

We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a electric wire rope hoist, you can leave a message on the website or Email: sales010@cranesdq.com, beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:

  • Kapasitas angkat, tinggi angkat;
  • Tegangan atau catu daya (kerekan fase tunggal atau 3 fase);
  • Penangguhan (hook, troli roda gigi, troli bermotor);
  • Jenis kontrol;
  • Siklus kerja, kecepatan kerekan, kecepatan troli, dan ukuran balok;
  • Aplikasinya, bahan apa yang akan diangkat.

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