HomeGaleri Kasus → MD-type 10-ton electric wire rope hoist sold to the Philippines in 2021

MD-type 10-ton electric wire rope hoist sold to the Philippines in 2021

Parameter pengadaan kerekan tali kawat listrik

  • Order time: 2021.12.3
  • Kapasitas angkat: 10 ton
  • Tinggi angkat: 10 meter
  • Tegangan kerja: 440v / 60hz / 3p
  • Order content: 10 ton electric wire rope hoist
  • Negara pengekspor: Filipina

Ini adalah urutan kerekan listrik sold to the Philippines in 2021. Our customer has purchased a MD-type two-speed electric wire rope hoist with a lifting capacity of 10 tons from our pabrik derek. The order was placed in the factory on December 6, the packing was completed on December 27, and the photos were sent to the customer on December 30 to confirm the packing photos. We will ship our products to the Philippines on January 4, 2022. This is the customer's second purchase of crane equipment from our company. The atlas shows some details of electric wire rope hoist in the factory. If you want to know more about electric wire rope hoist and the latest price of 10 tons electric wire rope hoist, you can hubungi kami.

Pengantar kerekan tali kawat listrik MD

Kerekan listrik MD ringan dan kecil alat pengangkat. Itu dapat dipasang pada balok tunggal kerekan, jembatan derek, gantry crane dan derek kantilever dengan sedikit modifikasi. Ini juga dapat digunakan untuk winch. Oleh karena itu, ini adalah salah satu alat pengangkat yang umum digunakan di pabrik, tambang, pelabuhan, gudang, tempat pengiriman, toko, dll. Ini adalah mesin untuk meningkatkan efisiensi tenaga kerja dan memperbaiki kondisi tenaga kerja.

The lifting speed of CD1 electric hoist is normal, which can meet the general use requirements; MD1 electric hoist has two lifting speeds - normal speed and slow speed. When working at a slow speed, it can meet the requirements of loading and unloading, sand box mold closing, machine tool maintenance and other fine operations. Therefore, MD1 electric hoist is more widely used than CD1 electric hoist. In order to meet the needs of large tonnage lifting operations, our company also produces WH20t, 32t, 50t and other electric hoists.

More cases of different types of electric hoists in the Philippines

How to customize electric hoist

We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a electric hoist, you can leave a message on the website or Email: sales010@cranesdq.com, beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:

  • Kapasitas angkat, tinggi angkat;
  • Tegangan atau catu daya (kerekan fase tunggal atau 3 fase);
  • Penangguhan (hook, troli roda gigi, troli bermotor);
  • Jenis kontrol;
  • Siklus kerja, kecepatan kerekan, kecepatan troli, dan ukuran balok;
  • Aplikasinya, bahan apa yang akan diangkat.

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