ГлавнаяМостовой кран → QZ Grab Bucket Overhead Crane

Мостовой кран с Грейферным ковшом QZ

Grab crane is a heavy duty double girder мостовой кран equipped with grab bucket, which can be used frequently. The lifting capacity of grab crane included the dead weight of the grab bucket is 5 ton to 25 tons. The working class of the grab crane is A6. The specifications of the grab crane is given in the following table for your reference and customized design can be provided by Кран Донци.


QZ Grab Bucket Overhead Crane Performance Characteristics

  1.  Special подъемное оборудование for bulk and granular materials
  2.  Simple structure,reliable, high efficiency
  3.  Large load capacity, high working duty
  4.  Can choose different types of grab according to different kinds of materials.

Our company mainly produce grab overhead crane series with lifting capacity of 5-20t, lifting height of 1-30m, and A6 of medium working duty, also can designe and manufacture non-standard series hoist according to your demands.

QZ Grab Bucket Overhead Crane Applications

  1.  Широко используется для погрузки, разгрузки и перемещения сыпучих материалов на электростанциях, в гаражах, мастерских, доках и т.д.
  2.  Номинальная грузоподъемность, включая вес грейфера.
  3.  Запрещено использовать в легковоспламеняющихся, взрывоопасных, агрессивных средах.

Этот кран используется при температуре окружающей среды -25 ℃ ~ + 40 ℃, влажности ≤ 85%, высоте над уровнем моря менее 1000 м, источнике питания 3 ph, 380 В, 50 Гц (может изменяться по требованию пользователя).

Note:Grab Overhead crane with the capacity 5t and span 10.5m, can be signed as QZ5t-10.5m.

Чертеж конструкции Мостового крана с грейферным ковшом QZ

Примечание. Грейфер имеет два направления открывания: вертикальное или горизонтальное по отношению к главной балке. Изображение выше горизонтального типа.

QZ Grab Bucket Overhead Crane Parameters

QZ Overhead Crane with Grab 5t QZ Overhead Crane with Grab 10t

Note: Control mode for cab operation,indoor

Components of grab crane

Grab crane is mainly consisted of bridge frame, crane traveling mechanism, lifting trolley, electric equipment, grab bucket, etc.

Grab crane drawing
Grab crane drawing

Advantage and features of grab crane

  • Optimal designed grab cranes are widely used for serving stores and bunkers with automatic, semiautomatic and manual control.
  • Laser-assisted height measurement is equipped with the grab overhead crane.
  • Grab cranes can work all around clock.
  • Safety protection devices such as limit switches for lift and CT are equipped for safe lifting and traveling.
  • Overload Protection Device increases performance security.
  • Easy and convenient operation is realized by дистанционное управление of grab cranes.
  • Equipped with double speed mechanism, our grab cranes have a better working performance in terms of precision.
  • Low voltage protection, phase sequence protection and emergency stop device are equipped to grab cranes.
  • Warning indicators are installed: flashing lights and warning sound.

QZ Grab Bucket Overhead Crane PDF

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