2.5 Cubic Electro-Hydraulic Grab Sold to Algeria in 2021

InicioEl Caso De La Galería → 2.5 Cubic Electro-Hydraulic Grab Sold to Algeria in 2021

2.5 Cubic Electro-Hydraulic Grab Sold to Algeria in 2021

Electro-Hydraulic Grab procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2021.4.20
  • Tensión de alimentación: 400v/50hz/3p
  • Order content: 2.5 Cubic Electro-Hydraulic Grab
  • País exportador: Algeria

Esta es una orden para grúa partes to be sold to Algeria in 2021. The customer bought 1 set of 2.5 cubic electro-hydraulic grab bucket and a batch of spare parts from our fábrica de grúas.  It took 2 months from the customer's order on April 21 to the factory's delivery of the product to Algeria on June 26. The atlas shows the picture of the grab in the factory. If you want to know more about the electro-hydraulic grab and the latest price of the electro-hydraulic grab, please póngase en contacto con nosotros.

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