2t jib crane and electric chain hoist are sold to Australia

InicioEl Caso De La Galería → 2t jib crane and electric chain hoist are sold to Australia

2t jib crane and electric chain hoist are sold to Australia

Esta es una orden para grúa de horca de Australia in 2020. The order includes one set of 2-ton jib crane, one set of 2-ton polipastos eléctricos de cadena and one set of 1-ton electric chain hoist. The atlas contains some pictures of the order in the fábrica de grúas. If you want to know more details, you can póngase en contacto con nosotros.

The jib crane is a small and medium-sized equipos de elevación developed in recent years. It has a unique structure, is safe and reliable, has the characteristics of high efficiency, energy saving, time-saving and labor saving, and is flexible. It can be operated freely in a three-dimensional space. It has more advantages than other conventional lifting equipment in the situation of section distance and intensive transportation. It is widely used in different places of various industries.

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