AccueilCas De La Galerie → 0.5 ton miniature electric hoist sold to Kenya in 2021

0.5 ton miniature electric hoist sold to Kenya in 2021

Miniature electric hoist procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2021.5.17
  • Capacité de levage: de 0,5 tonne
  • Lifting height: 20 meters
  • Working voltage: 220v/50hz/1p
  • Order content: 0.5 ton miniature palan électrique
  • Pays d'exportation: Kenya

This is the electric hoist order from Kenya in 2021. The customer purchased a set of PA1000 miniature electric hoists with a capacity of 0.5 tons from our grue d'usine.  As a small order, it took 3 days from placing the order at the factory on May 18 to sending to Kenya on May 21. The atlas shows part of the order in the factory. If you want to know more about the miniature electric hoist and the latest price of the miniature electric hoist, please contactez-nous.

Advantages of mini electric hoist

Use household electricity. Household 220V electricity operation, not industrial 380V voltage, the power supply is plug-in, easy to operate, and widely used.

The copper motor has good heat dissipation effect and is not hot, but it cannot be used for a long time. It is recommended to work for 25 minutes and rest for 5-10 minutes, and it is not easy to burn the motor.

The outer shell is made of steel, and the main color is bright and simple red. There is curling process on the wire rope, which is beautiful in appearance and durable.

Professional technical measurement at the crochet and ring, thickened material treatment, one-piece molding, not easy to break, and strong bearing capacity.

It can be controlled with a wireless contrôle à distance, remote control, and more portable. This accessory is not included in the accessories of the mini electric hoist, you need to contact customer service and place an additional order.

Original handle, button operation, simple, convenient and durable.

The other electric hoist cases in Kenya

How to customize electric hoist in Kenya

Nous sommes un fabricant de la grue located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a electric hoist, you can leave a message on the website or Email:, dites-nous les informations suivantes, et notre directeur des ventes communiquera avec vous:

  • La capacité de Levage, hauteur de levage;、
  • The suspension (hook, geared trolley, motorized trolley);
  • Les types de contrôle;
  • Le cycle de service, palan à vitesse, chariot de vitesse, et de la taille du faisceau;
  • L'application, à ce que les matériaux soient levées.

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