AccueilCasPotence cas → 2 ton jib crane used in storage warehouse in Dhaka, Bangladesh

2 ton jib crane used in storage warehouse in Dhaka, Bangladesh

We recently completed a crane order from Dhaka, Bangladesh. The customer is a storage warehouse serving a local logistics company and wants to customize 2 tonnes grue de potence for carrying goods. After communicating with the customer and obtaining the warehouse floor plan, we recommended the workshop crane to the customer. Workshop crane is a kind of équipement de levage used for short-distance transportation, and it is very popular with customers in terms of maneuverability and flexibility.

Workshop jib crane for Bangladesh warehouse

Generally, workshop cranes can be divided into free standing jib crane, wall mounted jib cranes, wall traveling jib cranes, etc.

  • BB Grue à flèche murale Lifting capacity: o.5-16t, Lifting height: 6-30m, Working class: A3.
  • BZ Pilier Potence Lifting capacity: o.5-5t, Lifting height: 1-10m, Working class: A3.
  • BX Murale Potence Lifting capacity: o.25-1t, Lifting height: 1-10m, Working class: A3.

In this case, we designed BX Wall Mounted Jib Crane for Bangladeshi customers. Workshop jib crane  can lift and transport materials in semi circles or full circles around their support structures to provide localized material handling in work cells, to supplement a large pont roulant system, to transfer materials from one work cell to another, and to lift a line load up to the rated capacity safely.

Main features of workshop jib crane

Workshop jib crane generally has the following features:

  • As a newly developed material handling equipment, jib cranes can be used freely in three dimensional space.
  • workshop cranes are designed with special structure, high safety and reliability, high efficiency, which can save your energy and time.
  • Shop crane covers small working area, and is easy to operate and maintain, rotary flexible, economic and durable.
  • Standards applied in DQCRANES Series of standards and regulations are applied during the whole production process of workshop cranes from design to production, etc. The main standards and regulations are Crane Design Standards, Crane Machinery Safety Procedures, Crane Test Specification and Procedures, and Jib Cranes, etc.


Workshop jib crane in Bangladesh warehouse

The Other Jib Crane cases in Bangladesh

How To Customize Jib Crane in Bangladesh

Nous sommes un fabricant de la grue situé en Chine, fournissant grue de personnalisation de services aux clients de grues. Si vous souhaitez personnaliser une grue de potence, vous pouvez laisser un message sur le site web ou nous envoyer un Courriel:, dites-nous les informations suivantes, et notre directeur des ventes communiquera avec vous:

  • Capacité de levage?
  • Hauteur de levage? (Distance à partir de crochet à la masse)
  • Longueur de bras? (La longueur du bras et de l'efficacité de déplacement de la longueur)
  • Bloc d'alimentation? (Standard alimentation électrique est de 220V/380V, 3 phases, 50/60Hz)
  • Application? (Quels sont les matériaux à être levée)

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