AccueilCasPalans électriques cas → 3 tons Electric Chain Hoist Orders from Brazil and Morocco

3 tonnes Électrique Palan à Chaîne Commandes en provenance du Brésil et le Maroc


Brazil electric chain hoist order information

In hoist order information:

  • Model: palan à chaîne électrique with electric trolley
  • Lifting capacity: 3 tons
  • Hauteur de levage: 5m
  • Voltage: 380V 3Phase 50Hz
  • Control: pendant control
  • Quantity: 2 sets

We received Brésil electric chain hoist inquiry on Alibaba. He sent us detailed electric chain hoist requirements. Our communication with customer is very efficient and we knew he was in China. We offered our good price and electric chain hoist drawing to him within an hour. The customer said he had to confirm the electric chain hoist parameters we offered with his engineers, to check whether the chain hoist can meet his working conditions. One day later, customer replied us to send him proforma invoice and he made payment on the same day.

3 tons electric chain hoist

Morocco electric chain hoist order information:

  • Model: crochet type electric chain hoist
  • Lifting capacity: 3 tons
  • Hauteur de levage: 5m
  • Tension: 380V 50Hz 3Phase
  • Control: pendant control & contrôle à distance
  • Quantity: 1 set

The Moroccan customer also have a short order time. He is one of our customers who contacted us one year ago, but not place an order. Now his project has restarted, that’s why he come back to ask the electric chain hoist again. We updated the 3 tons hook type electric chain hoist quotation for him. The customer was satisfied with the price, and placed the order. The electric chain hoist production is completed in 4 days.

We are professional crane and hoist manufacturer, for normal electric chain hoist, which is similar with our standard electric chain hoist, we can complete the hoist production in 2-5 days. We supply 4 types electric chain hoist, include hook type electric chain hoist, electric chain hoist with electric trolley, electric chain hoist with manual trolley and low headroom electric chain hoist. If you have hoist inquiry, contactez-nous freely, we will send our best solution and price to you.

Les autres palans électriques cas au Maroc

Comment personnaliser les palans électriques au Maroc

Nous sommes un fabricant de la grue located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a palan électrique, you can leave a message on the website or Email:, dites-nous les informations suivantes, et notre directeur des ventes communiquera avec vous:

  • La capacité de Levage, hauteur de levage;、
  • The suspension (hook, geared trolley, motorized trolley);
  • Les types de contrôle;
  • Le cycle de service, palan à vitesse, chariot de vitesse, et de la taille du faisceau;
  • L'application, à ce que les matériaux soient levées.

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