AccueilCas De La Galerie → 4-ton portable gantry crane sold to Australia in 2023

4-ton portable grue de portique vendu à l'Australie en 2023

Portable gantry crane procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2023.5.23
  • Lifting capacity: 4 ton
  • Hauteur de levage: 3 mètres
  • Durée: 5,5 mètres
  • Tension de travail: 415v/50hz/3p
  • Order content: 4 ton Portable grue de portique
  • Pays d'exportation: L'australie

This is the order for gantry cranes sold to Australia in 2023. The customer purchased one portable gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 4 tons from our grue d'usine, which will be used for material handling work in the mechanical equipment factory. The order was placed at the factory on May 26th and production was completed on June 5th. We will ship the product to Australia on June 27th. The atlas shows some details of the production process of portable gantry cranes in the factory. If you would like to learn more about portable gantry cranes and the latest prices for 4 tons of portable gantry cranes, please contactez-nous. The current reference price for a 4-ton portable gantry crane is between $4200 and $5500

Advantages of Portable Gantry Cranes

  1. The portable gantry crane itself is a portal structure, and there is no need to build a steel structure in the workshop.
  2. The width and height can be set by yourself, and the steel frame structure design is reasonable, which can bear the weight from 500 to 1000KG.
  3. The transportation and assembly are convenient. The portable gantry crane can be disassembled and divided into several parts, which is easy to transport and can be assembled quickly, reducing installation time and cost.
  4. The utilization rate of the portable gantry crane is high, the operating range is large, and there is no excessive restriction on the use site.
  5. The service life is long, the structure of the equipment itself is stable, the steel material is of high quality, safe and durable, and the failure rate is low.
  6. Strong applicability, used in many material handling places, such as warehouses, mold manufacturing, auto repair plants, mines, construction sites, etc.
  7. Equipped with Vientiane casters, it can be used for mobile operations, and at the same time, it can be moved after lifting heavy objects, which is very convenient, reduces labor force, and improves handling efficiency.

The Other Gantry Crane cases in Australia

Comment personnaliser les grues à portique de la Chine

Nous sommes un fabricant de la grue situé en Chine, fournissant grue de personnalisation de services aux clients de grues. Si vous souhaitez personnaliser une grue de portique, vous pouvez laisser un message sur le site ou E-mail:, dites-nous les informations suivantes, et notre directeur des ventes communiquera avec vous:

  • Capacité de levage (t): __ ?( La capacité nominale)
  • Hauteur de levage (m):__ ? (Hauteur de crochet centre à l'étage)
  • Span (m): __ ? (La Distance entre le rail du centre)
  • Vitesse de levage (m/min): __ ? ( Simple, Double, Variable)
  • Voyager distance (m): __ ? (La longueur du rail)
  • Travail duty: __ ? (Combien d'heures par jour? Combien de fois par heure?)
  • Quel matériel pour être soulevé: __ ?
  • Industriel de tension: __ ? ( comme :380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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