AccueilCas De La Galerie → 8-ton electric winch sold to Saudi Arabia in 2022

8 tonnes treuil électrique vendu à l'Arabie Saoudite en 2022

Electric winch procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2022.2.8
  • Lifting capacity: 8 ton
  • Rope length: 250 meters
  • Order content: 8 ton treuil électrique
  • Travail de tension: 440v/60hz/3p
  • Pays d'exportation: L'Arabie Saoudite

This is an order for electric winches sold to Saudi Arabia in 2022. The customer purchased an 8-ton electric winch with a rope length of 250 meters from our grue d'usine. The order was placed at the factory on February 9th. On February 22nd, a no-load operation test was conducted, and a video was sent to the customer. Assembly began on February 28th. On March 8th, we shipped the product to Saudi Arabia. The atlas shows some details of electric winches in the factory. If you want to learn more about electric winches and the latest prices for 8 tons of electric winches, please contactez-nous.

What is a winch?

Hoist, also known as winch, is a light and small lifting device that uses a reel to wind a wire rope or chain to lift or pull heavy objects. The winch can lift heavy objects vertically, horizontally or obliquely. The winch is divided into three types: manual winch , electric winch and hydraulic winch. Mainly electric winch. It can be used alone or as a component in machinery such as lifting, road building and mine hoisting. It is widely used because of its simple operation, large amount of rope winding and convenient displacement. It is mainly used for material lifting or flat dragging in construction, water conservancy projects, forestry, mines, docks, etc.

The other electric hoist cases in Saudi Arabia

How to customize electric hoist in Saudi Arabia

Nous sommes un fabricant de la grue located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a palan électrique, you can leave a message on the website or Email:, dites-nous les informations suivantes, et notre directeur des ventes communiquera avec vous:

  • La capacité de Levage, hauteur de levage;、
  • La suspension (crochetorientée chariot, chariot motorisé);
  • Les types de contrôle;
  • Le cycle de service, palan à vitesse, chariot de vitesse, et de la taille du faisceau;
  • L'application, à ce que les matériaux soient levées.

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