Zimbabwe customized 9 tons electric winch for mine material handling

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Zimbabwe customized 9 tons electric winch for mine material handling

Mining is one of the important economic components of Zimbabwe, and mining is expected to become an important area to promote economic growth in Zimbabwe. However, due to the low level of industrialization in Zimbabwe, the limited processing capacity of mineral products, the small added value of most of the mineral products, and the limitation of capital, technology and market factors, Zimbabwe often needs help from foreign countries in the process of self-development of mineral resources. As a global grue fournisseur, we share a case of a 9-ton treuil électrique from Zimbabwe today.

10 Ton JM Slow Speed Electric Pulling Winch

Main parameters of Zimbabwe 9 ton electric winch

  • Lifting weight: 9 tons
  • Rope length: 100 meters
  • Running speed: 10 m/min
  • Tension: 380/3/50

The other electric hoist cases in Zimbabwe

How to customize electric hoist in Zimbabwe

Nous sommes un fabricant de la grue located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a palan électrique, you can leave a message on the website or Email: sales010@cranesdq.com, dites-nous les informations suivantes, et notre directeur des ventes communiquera avec vous:

  • La capacité de Levage, hauteur de levage;、
  • La suspension (crochetorientée chariot, chariot motorisé);
  • Les types de contrôle;
  • Le cycle de service, palan à vitesse, chariot de vitesse, et de la taille du faisceau;
  • L'application, à ce que les matériaux soient levées.

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