HomeGaleri Kasus → MD 16t electric wire rope hoist is sold to Cambodia

MD 16t electric wire rope hoist is sold to Cambodia

This is the order of kerekan listrik dari Kamboja in 2020. The customer purchased this MD type 16t electric wire rope hoist from our pabrik derek. The atlas shows some details of the electric hoist in the factory. If you want to know more, you can hubungi kami.

MD1 electric hoist has the characteristics of compact structure, light weight, small volume, convenient operation, etc. It can not only be installed on the overhead I-beam alone, but also can be installed on electric or manual single beam, double beam, cantilever, gantry and other cranes. In fine operation, when the lifting speed of CD1 electric hoist cannot meet the requirements, MD1 double lifting speed electric hoist shall be selected. MD1 is a two speed electric hoist. It is generally used to accurately equip heavy objects at a slow speed. The other constant speed used for installation is normal hoisting.

The other electric hoist cases in Cambodia

How to customize electric hoist in Cambodia

Kami adalah produsen derek located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a electric hoist, you can leave a message on the website or Email: sales010@cranesdq.com, beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:

  • Kapasitas angkat, tinggi angkat;、
  • Penangguhan (hook, troli roda gigi, troli bermotor);
  • Jenis kontrol;
  • Siklus kerja, kecepatan kerekan, kecepatan troli, dan ukuran balok;
  • Aplikasinya, bahan apa yang akan diangkat.

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