3 tons/10 tons electric chain hoist sold to Argentina

ホーム例ギャラリー → 3 tons/10 tons electric chain hoist sold to Argentina

3 tons/10 tons electric chain hoist sold to Argentina

This order is from 2019 and the customer is from アルゼンチン. This order includes 1 set of 3-ton electric chain hoist and 1 set of 10-ton electric chain hoist. Electric chain hoists are one of our key products, and in 2019 our クレーン工場 can complete production and commissioning within a maximum of one week. Electric chain hoists are mainly used in major factories, warehouses, wind power generation, logistics, docks, construction and other industries for lifting or loading and unloading goods, and can also lift heavy objects to facilitate work or repair large machines. The electric chain hoist is operated by the operator on the ground with the button, and can also be controlled remotely by a wired control handle and a wireless リモコン.

The other electric hoist cases in Argentina

How to customize electric hoist in Argentina

クレーンメーカー located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a 電気ホイスト, you can leave a message on the website or Email: sales010@cranesdq.com考え、以下の情報は、弊社営業部マネージャーに連絡します:

  • 吊り上げ能力、吊り上げ高さ。
  • サスペンション(フックに、台車、動力化用台車);
  • コントロールの種類。
  • デューティサイクル、ホイスト速度、トロリー速度、ビームサイズ。
  • 用途、どのような素材を持ち上げるのか。


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