5 tons CD type electric wire rope hoist sold to Cambodia

ホーム例ギャラリー → 5 tons CD type electric wire rope hoist sold to Cambodia

5 tons CD type electric wire rope hoist sold to Cambodia

This is 1 order of electric wire rope hoist from カンボジア in 2020. The customer customized 1 set of CD type 5 ton electric wire rope hoist from our クレーン工場. The lifting height is 21 meters. The atlas shows some details of the order. If you want to know more, you can お問合せ and tell us your needs.

CD wire rope 電気ホイスト is widely used in working condition enterprises, railways, docks, warehouses, stockyards and other places. It is a necessary machine to improve working conditions and improve labor efficiency in current production operations.

The other electric hoist cases in Cambodia

How to customize electric hoist in Cambodia

クレーンメーカー located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a electric hoist, you can leave a message on the website or Email: sales010@cranesdq.com考え、以下の情報は、弊社営業部マネージャーに連絡します:

  • 吊り上げ能力、吊り上げ高さ。
  • サスペンション(フックに、台車、動力化用台車);
  • コントロールの種類。
  • デューティサイクル、ホイスト速度、トロリー速度、ビームサイズ。
  • 用途、どのような素材を持ち上げるのか。


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