Spanish customers visit Dongqi Crane’s factory

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Spanish customers visit Dongqi Crane’s factory

Recently, distinguished customers from Spain visited Dongqi Crane Factory and had an in-depth visit. The focus of this visit was mainly on the production and manufacturing process of KBK cranes.

Accompanied by the person in charge of the factory, the Spanish customer learned in detail about the entire production process of KBK cranes. From the selection and processing of raw materials to the assembly and testing of finished products, every step has attracted great attention from customers. Customers highly appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship and strict quality control of KBK cranes.

During the visit, the factory's technical staff also explained the technical features and operational advantages of KBK cranes to customers in detail. Customers have shown strong interest in this, asking questions and having in-depth exchanges with technical staff from time to time.

This visit not only deepened Spanish customers’ understanding of Dongqi Crane Factory, but also laid a solid foundation for future cooperation between the two parties. We look forward to more cooperation with Spanish customers in the crane field and jointly promote the development of both parties' businesses.

Finally, I would like to thank the Spanish customers again for their visit and hope that our cooperation can become closer and create a better future together!

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